perm filename PUPNET.TXT[HST,NET]12 blob sn#782862 filedate 1985-01-15 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
; Pup-Network.Txt -- Master source file for Stanford's Pup-Network.Directory
; Stored on:    [Navajo]/etc/pup/Pup-Network.txt /* MASTER COPY */
;		[Lassen]<System>Pup-Network.txt
;               [Shasta]/usr/local/Pup-Network.tx
;               [Diablo]/usr/local/Pup-Network.tx
;               [Whitney]/usr/local/Pup-Network.tx
; Available addresses (verify before using!)
; CSD-Net: 162-177 unused (???)
; MJH-10MB-Net (+DSG-Net!): 60 up unused
; Modification record:
; Philip Almquist	January 9, 1985
;	- Update owner for Helens
;	- Remove Ocelot
;	- Add 10MB addresses for LOTS 20's
;	- Add Hyperion
;	- Add new CIS SUN's
;	- Add Durand-B-Gateway
; Philip Almquist	January 7, 1985
;	- Ahwahnee doesn't PUP
;	- Added location for Mojave
; Jeffrey Mogul		January 4, 1985
;	- Added LaBrea on CSD-Net and MJH-10MB-Net.  We might
;	  want to remove it from CSD-Net in the near future, so
;	  only the MJH-10MB-Net address should be published by the NIC.
; Philip Almquist	December 17, 1984
;	- Rename CIS-Bridge to CIS-Gateway and add net numbers for CIS-Net
;	  and CIS-10MB-Net
; Philip Almquist	December 12, 1984
;	- Rename Tip-CIS to be Tip-CISa
;	- Add Tip-CIS[b-e]
;	- Add LOTS-10MB-Net, with addressed for Camelot, Lancelot, and Ocelot
;	- Add Tip-CroMemB
;	- Correct spelling of "Tresidder"
; Philip Almquist	December 3, 1984
;	- Add Reyes
;	- Remove Coyote10, and make its address be a secondary address
;	  of Coyote
;	- Whitney is now multi-homed
;	- Add Pine-Trunk addresses for several SUN's in the basement of
;	  MJH that are temporarily on the Pine side of MJH-A-Gateway.
;	  These hosts are not really multi-homed.
; Philip Almquist	November 26, 1984
;	- Add 10MB address for Score (secondary address for now)
;	- Put back SAIL's full protocol list (supposedly no longer too
;	  long for buildnetdir and VAX misc servers).
;	- Add Tip-EECF
;	- Add some synonyms for Lots-Net in anticipation of future gateways
;	- Add Cromem-Bridge and ME-Bridge (need more creative names!)
;	- Similarly, add CIS-Net synonym (for net 50) and CIS-Bridge
;	- Add Mark Linton's new IRIS's (Rainbow, Mirage, Spectrum)
;	- Update Vireo's address (it moved)
;	- Add Unumhum
;	- Give CSL-VAX a location (per Hans Mulder)
; Philip Almquist	November 12, 1984
;	- Changed DSN's name to DIT
;	- Many CSLI changes: new Dlions, NS addresses for some old ones, and
;	  real names for their Dlions in MJH.
;	- Add Mitchell-Net VAXen
; Philip Almquist	November 6, 1984
;	- Playfair seems to have gone back to its old address
;	- Mojave is now a VAX (renamed the Alto)
; Philip Almquist	November 1, 1984
;	- Reserve subnet number for 10MB net in Psych
;	- Remove Turtle-Vax alias for SU-Psych
; Philip Almquist	November 1, 1984
;	- Move IFS to net 50 to get around bogus constants in Alto
;	  software (not necessarily the permanent fix)
;	- Add Ocelot
;	- Change Playfair's address to the one it seems to be actually
;	  using since it seems to be otherwise free
;	- Update info for Argus
;	- Add second address for SUMEX-1100-2
;	- Add NewMath-Net address for Helens
; Philip Almquist	October 24, 1984
;	- Add Argus
;	- Change addresses for Lindy and Forsythe to match (erroneous)
;	  NIC host table, since that's faster than getting the NIC to
;	  fix it
;	- Make MJH-B-Gateway be the gateway's primary name
;	- Fix Carmel's location
; Philip Almquist	October 19, 1984
;	- Split net 50!!!
; Philip Almquist	October 19, 1984
;	- Remove CIT-1 and CIT-2 hosts that were already commented out
;	- Minor fixups to make everything work when I change the net
;	  numbers (mostly "CSD-Net" => "CSL-Net")
; Philip Almquist	October 17, 1984
;	- Add placeholders (CSLI-New-DLion-n) for new CSLI Dandylions
;	  in MJH
;	- Add FUNCTION to Hood
; Philip Almquist	October 16, 1984
;	- Correct comment about future net number for Pine-Trunk
;	- SUN-MJ408 is now SUN-MJ416e
;	- Add Tip-ACIS-Test
;	- Add Hood
;	- Fix protocols for Helens + Fuji (they now speak IP)
;	- Rename SUMEXImagen to be "Clover"
;	- Add new HPP printers
;	- "Nowicki-ize" the naming (for hosts with primary name SU-xxx,
;	  make the primary name be xxx and make SU-xxx be a secondary name)
; Philip Almquist	October 7, 1984
;	- Add Tip-Forsythe and SU-ITS reverse tip hack
;	- Add MJH-B-Gateway and net numbers for net 50 split
;	- Add Tip-CerasD
;	- Add tips Tip-GSB[d-f]
;	- SUMEX-1100-4 has moved again
; Jeffrey Mogul		5 October 1984
;	- Add TeX-Luis, an Imagen printer in MJH
; Philip Almquist September 26, 1984
;	- Fix protocols for ISL, and make SU-ISL its primary name
;	- Ditto for Psych
;	- Fix protocols for Boise
;	- Change Tip-MJ040a => Tip-MJ030a
;	- New location and address for SUMEX-1100-4
;	- Change Tip-CERAS to Tip-CerasA, add 2 more Ceras tips
;	- Fix comment about where master copy of this file is stored
;	- Add Tip-EE-Test for Benjy
;  NOTE: protcols for Fuji and Helens need to change any day now
; Philip Almquist September 18, 1984
;	- Rename Tip-Ginzton to be Tip-GinztonA
;	- Add Tip-Ginzton-B
;	- Add SU-Paragon as new primary name for Paragon
;	- Add more new CSLI Dandelions
;	- Add Tip-MJ040a for Peter
;	- Update CSDCF-Test-Gateway info
; Philip Almquist August 28, 1984
;	- Add Oncocin-PC, SUMEX-1108-12, SUMEX-1108-13
;	- Renamed SU-ITS to be SU-Forsythe and corrected its attributes
;	- SUMEX-1108-11 has moved
; Philip Almquist August 17, 1984
;	- LOTS-A now speaks IP
;	- Sierra has a 10MB address
; Philip Almquist August 15, 1984
;	- The GSB tips have new names (Tip-GSB[a-c])
;	- CSL-DG now has a real permanent name (SU-ADA)
; Philip Almquist August 14, 1984
;	- Safe has moved to SUMEX-10MB-Net
; Philip Almquist August 13, 1984
;	- Put Jasper back in (it disappeared somehow???)
; Philip Almquist August 10, 1984
;	- Diablo is moving and is now lowercase (ie, "diablo" vs. "Diablo")
; Philip Almquist August 8, 1984
;	- Make Krakatoa be a 750 (CPU attribute was wrong)
;	- Deleted old SUN-SETI
;	- Added (new) SUN-SETI, Pro-Star, Iris-Star, Tip-MJHd
; Philip Almquist August 5, 1984
;	- Uncomment out entries for Seti and Corona - they need to be in the
;	  table even if they don't talk PUP.
;	- Add CSL-DG (name probably will change)
;	- Make net dir reflect the reality that DSG-Net and Sequoia-Net
;	  are temporarily part of other nets.
;	- Add SUN-MJ416d
;	- Add new Sequoia-Net hosts
; Philip Almquist August 1, 1984
;	- Added SUN-MJ421d, Anaheim
;	- Added EtherAddr for SUN-ERL415a
; Philip Almquist July 31, 1984
;	- Added SU-mumble names for ITS and Lindy
;	- Added DrWho
; Philip Almquist July 30, 1984
;	- Add Sequoia-Net
; Philip Almquist July 20, 1984
;	- Add VCAP
;	- Remove obsolete SUMEX-10MB-Gateway and CIS-Bridge
;	- Correct entry for S101-Gateway
;	- Added some Dandelions in MJH for Terry Winograd
; Philip Almquist July 16, 1984
;	- Tip-Ventura now has a 3MB address (to boot from)
; Philip Almquist July 13, 1984
;	- Brevier and Pica have moved (temporarily) to Teaching Lab
; Philip Almquist July 11, 1984
;	- Add Jim Powell's IBM PC's so he can test them
;	- Merge a few SUMEX changes
;	- Add a bunch more CSLI Dandylions
;	- GSB-Net is no longer part of net 50
; Philip Almquist July 10, 1984
;	- Added Petrol-Net
;	- Added Durand-A-Gateway
;	- Pine-B-Gateway is now 4-way (new leg to Robotics-Net)
; Philip Almquist July 9, 1984
;	- Added SUN-Cedar-B6 and SUN-Cedar-B15
;	- SUN-Test and SU-Vision have moved
;	- Corrected addresses for Star and Seti
;	- Added Corona and Solar
; Philip Almquist June 27, 1984
;	- Updated SUMEX Dandelion and Dolphin info
;	- Added SUN-ERL415a
;	- Added several new Robotics SUN's in Cedar
;	- Change owner of "temporary test tip" Tip-Arrary, since
;	  it is no longer temporary
; Philip Almquist June 20, 1984
;	- Renamed SUN-Tex => Cicero
;	- Added various new Tex SUN's (actually not new, but they were
;	  never in the net directory before)
;	- Added more info to Jasper's entry
;	- Fix a few locations at DSG
;	- Remove Sun-MJ422b and Sun-MJ408
;	- Add MJ416c and a new MJ408
; Philip Almquist June 19, 1984
;	- Added Jasper, SUN-MJ421c
;	- Added networks for Mordor
;	- Added SU-Mordor name for Mordor
; Jeffrey Mogul	14 June 1984
;	- Updated Ardvax address
; Philip Almquist June 1, 1984
;	- Add Tip-Ventura
; Philip Almquist June 1, 1984
;	- Split CSLI-Net => CSLI-Net and Robotics-Net
; Philip Almquist May 30, 1984
;	- Changed Green-Gateway's Meyer-Net address
; Philip Almquist May 23, 1984
;	- Added MJH Lisp machines for Joe Weening
; Philip Almquist May 21, 1984
;	- Correct spelling of "Russell"
;	- Updated Sumex/HPP Alto, Dolphin, Dandelion, and Dorado info
;	- Remove entry for the CSLI dolphin-based gateway.  It has been
;	  replaced with one of Bill's SUN gateways and decomissioned
; Philip Almquist May 18, 1984
;	- Un-updated SAIL protocol info because it was too long
;	  for someone (buildnetdir?).  This needs to be fixed...
; Philip Almquist May 18, 1984
;	- Ahwahnee (sp?) is now on 10MB instead of 3MB net.
;	- Whitney seems to have moved to Pine.
;	- Updated IP protocols for SAIL, Sierra, and the LOTS 20's
;	- Added Lindy and ITS
; Philip Almquist May 14, 1984
;	- Coyote, Ubehebe, and Pisgah are now in Pine Hall
;	- SUN-MJ021 is now SUN-Cedar-A9 in Cedar Hall
;	- Scanner is now SUN-Vision in Cedar Hall
;	- Added SUN-Cedar-B10 and SUN-Cedar-B12
;	- Fumarole is now SUN-ERL419
;	- Removed SUN-GE - it is no more
;	- Added SU-SCALD
;	- Fixed Amador's location (again)
;	- Diablo has new aliases, a new location, and a new owner(???)
; Philip Almquist May 8, 1984
;	- Better (more descriptive) name for SUN-Gateway
;	- Add Russell and Whitehead
; Philip Almquist May 8, 1984
;	- Diablo, Eriador, and Mordor have moved
;	- Fix protocols for SumexImagen
; Bill Nowicki May 2, 1984
;	- minor changes requested by Bill Yeager
;	- added comment on Teaching-Lab-Net addresses
; Philip Almquist May 2, 1984
;	- Added a bunch more more CSLI Dandelions
;	- Added SumexImagen
;	- Added SUN-MJ421b
; Philip Almquist April 30, 1984
;	- Added Krakatoa
;	- Added Tip-CroMemA
; Mogul & Nowicki 27 April 1984
;	- Removed non-existant address for Shasta.  Don't add addresses
;	that make a single-homed host seem multihomed!
; Philip Almquist April 23, 1984
;	- Changed Tip-CERAS125 to Tip-TermanD since it is no longer
;	  in CERAS.
; Philip Almquist April 22, 1984
;	- Added LOTSC
; Philip Almquist April 18, 1984
;   More changes per Glenn Trewitt:
;	- Changed addresses of most ERL hosts from CSL-Net to CSL-3MB-Net
;	- Fixed Amador's location (it moved?)
; Bill Nowicki April 13, 1984
;	- Changed ERL-mumble back to CSL-mumble; this was presumptuous
;	- Added Teaching-Lab-Net
;	- Changed Leland's address
;	- Removed some more unused nicknames
; Philip Almquist April 11, 1984
;	- Add Tip-Arrary (GSB test tip) for Benjy
; Philip Almquist April 9, 1984
;	- Change net number of CSLI-3MB-Net from 50 to 22.
;	- Fix Ahwahnee's net address (it should be on net 22)
; Philip Almquist April 6, 1984
;   Various changes per Glenn Trewitt:
;	- Added ERL-Gateway
;	- Removed ERL-Bridge's third address (since it will never use it)
;	- Invented an ERL-3MB-Net (yet another synonym for MJH-Net)
;	- Changed several net addresses from CSL-Net to ERL-3MB-Net
;	- Added SUN-PRadio and SUN-BitMap
;	- Changed CSL-10MB-Net => ERL-10MB-Net
; Philip Almquist April 6, 1984
;	- Changed Tip-EE => Tip-McCulloughA (per Kirk Lougheed)
;	- Added Tip-McCulloughB
; Bill Nowicki April 4, 1984
;	- Fixed Protocol info for Fuji (no IP)
;	- Added IP for LOTS-B
;	- Added 3Mb address for Gregorio, removed "San" nicknames
;	- Added Leland for Teaching Lab 750
;	- Made CSLI Primary name of CSLI's 2060
;	- Took out silly nicknames for Whitney
; Bill Nowicki April 3, 1984
;	- Added a 10Mbit network in ERL for Shasta, CSL-Vax and Pyramid
;	- Added entry for Amador, the CSL Pyramid
;	- Changed from SanGregorio to Gregorio as primary name
; Philip Almquist 2 April 1984
;	- Added Sun-MJ421 and Sun-MJ421a for Tim Mann
; Andrew Sweer 2 April 1984
;	Changes per Christopher Schmidt
;	- Added Fester, Gomez, and Morticia
;	- Moved CSLI-Bob and CSLI-Ray from Dolphin region to Dandelion region
; Philip Almquist 30 March 1984
;	- Added Tip-Cedar
; Philip Almquist 29 March 1984
;	- Added CSL-Vax for Hartwell (needs to be added when all info
;	  known)
; Philip Almquist 27 March 1984
;	- Oops, also needed to add a 10MB address for MJH-A-Gateway
; Philip Almquist 27 March 1984
;	- Add 10MB address for Pine-B-Gateway
; Philip Almquist 26 March 1984
;	Changes per Joe Weening:
;	- Glacier and Cascade speak IP
;	- DSN is now on the Ethernet (removed BAD kluge)
; Philip Almquist 22 March 1984
;	- Documented future net number for GSB-Net (and GSB-Trunk)
; Jeff Mogul	22 March 1984
;	- Flushed SUN-MJ422a, gave its EtherAddr to SUN-MJ416b
; Andrew Sweer 22 March 1984
;	- Added CSLI Dandelions
;	- Added CSLI-Gateway
;	- Removed SUMEX-Alto nicknames
; Jeff Mogul	20 March 1984
;	- Corrected location for Eureka
;	- Added 10Mb Ethernet (hardware) addresses for some Suns (as
;		"EtherAddr" attribute.)
; Bill Nowicki March 19, 1984
;	- Added more 10Mb SUN addresses for DSG:
;	 	Sun-MJ422, Sun-MJ402, Sun-MJ416a, Eureka, Sacramento
;	- updated Iris Location
;	- Added Sun-MJ430 for Lantz
; Philip Almquist 19 March 1984
;	- Added Pine-B-Gateway (MJH<-->CSLI<-->CSLI 10MB)
;	- Added Pine-A-Gateway name for Pine
;	- Changed Tip-ITS, CSLI, IMSSS, and Tip-Pine to be on CSLI-3MB-Net
; Jeffrey Mogul	9 March 1984
;	- Added Tip-Pine (soon to be a gateway?)
; Andrew Sweer 29 February 1984
;	- Updated SUMEX Dolphin info
; Philip Almquist 24 February 1984
;	- Added GSB-Net and GSB-Trunk
;	- Added MJH-A-Gateway
;	- Changed entries for GSB hosts and Green gateway to say
;	  they're on GSB cables
; Jeffrey Mogul	15 February 1984
;	- Added CSLI-Net, also CSLI-3MB-Net (now part of 050##)
;	- Added SU-CSLI
; Jeffrey Mogul	13 February 1984
;	- Combined ICL-Net and NewMath-Net as one net-number
;	- Added Cascade10, Glacier10, MEBES, ParaTest
; Jeffrey Mogul	10 February 1984
;	- SUN-MJ426 => SUN-ERL406
; Jeffrey Mogul 7 February 1984
;	- Added SUN-MJ426a
; Jeffrey Mogul 3 February
;	- Added SU-Random (for testing purposes)
;	- Changed Gregorio's address 'cuz I got things screwed up
;	- Added SUN-MJ320
;	- Added 10mb address for Sun-Tex
; Bill Nowicki February 2, 1984
;	- Added San Gregorio
;	- Added SUN-MJ422b
; Jeffrey Mogul 1 February 1984
;	- Added Carmel10
; Jeffrey Mogul	30 January 1984
;	- Added Eriador
; Bill Nowicki January 27, 1984
;	- Changed SUN-MJ420 to Sacramento; Service-server is too long
; Jeffrey Mogul	26 January 1984
;	- Added Camelot, Lancelot (LOTS Vaxen)
; Jeffrey Mogul	16 January 1984
;	- Changed SUN-ERL407 to SU-Castro
; Bill Nowicki 16 January 1984
;	- Added back in one ITS machine, for Jim Powell: Ahwanee
;	- Added logical host numbers for new SUNs and Iris
;	- Corrected SUN-MJ420 to be Service-Server
; Jeffrey Mogul	12 January 1984
;	- Added V-MulticastA, V-MulticastB
; Jeffrey Mogul	4 January 1984
;	- Added Cascade
; Jeffrey Mogul	2 January 1984
;	- Commented out most of the CIT entries until they
;	  are realistic, and changed Tip-CIT to Tip-ITS.
; Jeffrey Mogul	19 December 1983
;	- Added SUMEX-Test-Net, SUMEX-Test-Net2
;	- Removed nicknames "11/60" and "11/45"; other similar names
;	  (such as "HP9836") should be removed, too.
; Jeffrey Mogul	14 December 1983
;	- Removed all one-letter host names
; Andrew Sweer 9 December 1983
;	- Update Whelan Bldg Dolphin addresses
; Philip Almquist 8 December 1983
;	- SUN-Test is now two hosts instead of a multi-homed host
; Philip Almquist 7 December 1983
;	- Changed addresses for Dover-Gateway
;	- Removed SCORE from list of places where directory is stored
; Philip Almquist 7 December 1983
;	- Added Dover-Gateway
; Philip Almquist 5 December 1983
;	- Changed Dover address
; Jeffrey Mogul	29 November 1983
;	- Added Tip-GSBToo
; Jeffrey Mogul	22 November 1983
;	- Added MJH-10MB-Net (the 10mb Ether installed by CSD-CF)
;	- Added MJH-10MB-Net addresses for Coyote, Golden
;		(Note: Coyote's name on MJH-10MB-Net is Coyote10, for now)
; Jeffrey Mogul	21 November 1983
;	- Tip-TermanA moved from CSL-Net to LOTS-Net
; Philip Almquist 15 November 1983
;	- Add Dover-Net
;	- Added Yoni/Lingam
; Bill Nowicki November 7, 1983
;	- Sumex Dolphin is now at Welch Road
;	- Test 10Mbit board in Ardvax
;	- Added ICL-Net
; Jeffrey Mogul 26 October 1983
;	- Bloody hack on DSN's entry to keep it out of the IP nametable
; Jeffrey Mogul 18 October 1983
;	- Changed Tip-HPP to Tip-HPPa
;	- Added Tip-HPPb
; Jeffrey Mogul 18 October 1983
;	- Added Tip-HPP
; Bill Nowicki October 11, 1983
;	- Added SU-SETI
;	- Added RSL-Net, new address for STAR
;	- Added Raven-Net for HPP Printer
;	- Updated Alto locations
; Jeffrey Mogul 5 October 1983
;	- Added Coyote
; Jeffrey Mogul 5 October 1983
;	- Many minor changes for ERL Suns
; Jeffrey Mogul 4 October 1983
;	- Added Mordor
; Jeffrey Mogul 21 September 1983
;	- Corrected address for Green-Gateway
; Jeffrey Mogul 20 September 1983
;	- Added Meyer-Net, Green-Gateway, Tip-Meyer
;	- Added CIS-Bridge
;	- Added Pine-Net, temporarily as an extension of CSL-Net
; Jeffrey Mogul 13 September 1983
;	- Added SUN-TB113B as another synonym for SUN-TB113
;	- Added SUMEX-10MB-Net
; Jeffrey Mogul 9 September 1983
;	- Added Tip-MJHc
; Andy Sweer August 23, 1983
;	- Renamed SMI-TB105 to SUN-TB105
;	- Joined comment lines for S101-Gateway and Welch-Road-Gateway
;	- (N.B. - TOPS20 MAKDIR barfs if multi-line comments don't begin
;	-  on the same line as the definition they apply to)
; Bill Nowicki August 19, 1983
;	- Changed numbered SUMEX nets to named
;	- Added comments on each network
; Jeffrey Mogul 18 August 1983
;	- Added SUMEX-Net3 (57##)
;	- Added S101-Gateway, Welch-Road-Gateway
;	- Added SUN-TB113A
; Bill Nowicki August 9, 1983
;	- Added IMSSS
;	- Added CPU to the rest of the 2060s
;	- Removed logs over a year old
; Jeff Mogul	5 August 1983
;	- fixed some typos which made this unparseable
;	- removed second addresses (on non-existant Terman-Net)
;	for Tip-TermanA and SUN-Terman565.  These are not multi-homed
;	hosts and should not be entered as such (our software cannot
;	always route to a multi-homed host if one address is unreachable)
; Jeff Mogul	26 July 1983
;	- Added Yin and Yang
;	- Added Test-Gateway and Test-Bridge as aliases for SUN-Gateway
;	- Restored Telnet-gateway (it seems to be back)
;	- Added IP protocols to HOW and WHY (WIN)
; Bill Nowicki July 19, 1983
;	- changed SUN-MJ422 to NG Jungle
;	- Added Eureka file server
;	- Added the other ERL Tip
;	- Updated LOTS workstations
; Bill Nowicki July 5, 1983
;	- Changed the GSB stuff
; Bill Nowicki June 29, 1983
;	- put LOTS back in
;	- used lower network numbers for 10Mbit nets
; Bill Nowicki June 6, 1983
;	- Added SU-Carmel and SU-Safe as nicnames
;	- Updated some Op-Sys and CPU information
; Bill Nowicki June 2, 1983
;	- Changed SCORE to Score
;	- Added SU-Fuji since we got mail from it once
;	- Changed location of two ERL Suns as per Glenn Trewitt
;	- Changed CIT-VAX to CIT-750 since CIT-VAX is an Arpanet host
; Bill Nowicki May 8, 1983
;	- Updated SAIL's protocol information
;	- Commented out LOTS and CCRMA
; Sally Ahnger May 3, 1983
;	- Added names Ubehebe and AL for the Robotics 11/45
;	- Added names Pisgah and ARM for the Robotics 11/60
; Bill Nowicki	April 28, 1983
;	- Removed STAR since it will probably never run PUP
;	- Added alternate address to Terman hosts
; Andy Sweer	April 25, 1983
;	- Removed SUMEX-KI10 and other minor SUMEX-Net changes
; Bill Nowicki  April 20, 1983
;	- Added SUN-SETI
;	- Added a few more network numbers
;	- Added Tip-AEL
; Input file syntax:
; Each line may be either an <entry> or a <comment> followed by
;  a cr/lf.  cr/lf's in an <entry> are ignored if they immediately
;  follow "=", ",", or ";".  Tabs and spaces are ignored.
; <entry> ::= <name list> = <address list> ; <attribute list>
; <comment> ::= ; <arbitrary string>
; <name list> ::= <name> | <name list> , <name>
; <name> ::= <string composed of alphanumerics, "-", "/">
; <address list> ::= <address> | <address list> , <address>
; <address> ::= <expression> | <expression> ( <attribute list> )
; <expression> ::= <term> | <expression> + <term>
; <term> ::= <name> | <address constant>
; <address constant> ::= <element> | <element> # <element> |
;			 <element> # <element> # <element>
; <element> ::= <octal number> | empty
; <attribute list> ::= <attribute> | <attribute list> , <attribute>
; <attribute> ::= <name> : " <attribute value> "
; <attribute value> ::= <arbitrary string with any " doubled>

; ** Networks **

ARPANET = 40##

SUMEX-Test-Net = 20##		; Location: "Sumex"
SUMEX-Test-Net2 = 21##		; Location: "Sumex"
CSLI-3MB-Net = 22##		; Location: "Pine Hall"
GSB-Net, GSB-Trunk = 23##	; Location: "MJH to GSB via Green"
;CSL-Net, CSL-3MB-Net = 24##	; Location: "ERL"
LOTS-10MB-Net = 25##		; Location: "Ceras to Terman"
CIS-10MB-Net = 26##		; Location: "CIS Building"
CIS-Net = 43##			; Location: "CIS Building"
CSD-Net = 44##			; Location: "CSD"
Pine-Trunk = 45##		; Location: "MJH to Pine Hall"
Dover-Net = 46##		; Location: "MJH 221"
Test-Net = 47##			; Location: "MJH 030c"
CSL-Net, CSL-3MB-Net = 50##	; Location: "MJH to Terman, etc."
MIT-Net = 51##
CMU-Net = 52##
Raven-Net = 53##		; Location: "Welch Road"
SUMEX-10MB-Net = 54##		; Location: "Medical Center"
SUMEX-Net = 55##		; Location: "Medical Center"
SUMEX-Twisted-Net = 56##	; Location: "Medical Center to Welch Road"
HPP-Net = 57##			; Location: "Welch Road"
LOTS-Net, Cromem-Net, Tresidder-Net = 60##
				; Location: "Ceras to Terman"
CCRMA-Net = 61##		; Location: "DC Power Lab; Knoll in late 83"
Terman-Net = 62##		; Location: "Terman Engineering Center"
Mitchell-Net = 63##		; Location: "Earth Science Building"
Meyer-Net = 64##		; Location: "Meyer Library"

;; N.B.: Don't assign network numbers above 64##, TOPS-20 can't deal with
;; them.

; The following are 10 Mbit nets, listed here if
; we want to run PUP on them, or use this for IP subnetwork routing.

Tex-Net = 1##			; Location: "Third Floor MJH"
NewMath-Net, ICL-Net = 2##	; Location: "ERL to AEL and McCullough"
ITS-Net = 3##			; Location: "ITS to Medical Center"
ISL-Net = 4##			; Location: "Durand building (Gill)"
;DSG-Net = 5##			; Location: "Fourth Floor MJH & Machine room"
RSL-Net = 6##			; Location: "Durand Basement & 2nd floor"
;ICL-Net = 7##			; Location: "AEL Integrated Circuits Lab"
MJH-10MB-Net, DSG-Net = 10##	; Location: "MJH all floors"
CSLI-Net = 11##			; Location: "Pine Hall"
CSL-10MB-Net, Sequoia-Net = 12## ; Location: "ERL Computer Systems Lab"
Teaching-Lab-Net = 13##		; Location: "ERL 114"
Robotics-Net = 14##		; Location: "Cedar Hall"
Petrol-Net = 15##		; Location: "Petroleum Engineering"
;Sequoia-Net = 16##		; Location: "Sequoia"
;Psych-Net = 17##		; Location: "???"

; ** Well-Known Sockets **

Telnet = 1
Gateway-Info = 2
FTP = 3
Misc-Services = 4
Echo = 5
BSP-Test = 6
Mail = 7
EFTP-Receive = 20
Ears-Status = 21
Statistics = 22
CopyDisk = 25
Alto-Error-Report = 30
Printer-Report = 31
Lisp-Statistics = 33
Leaf = 43
Tape = 44
TeleSwat = 60
Arpa-Telnet-Gateway = 131
Grinnell-Server = 104

; ** Special host addresses **
; These host addresses are reserved on all nets
BreathOfLife-Multicast = 0#377#0
V-MulticastA = 0#376#0
V-MulticastB = 0#375#0

; ** Hosts at Stanford **
; ** Altos
Cypress =	CSD-Net+100#	; Location: "MJH 000", 	Owner: "CSD"
Yolo =		CSD-Net+101#	; Location: "MJH 020",  Owner: "CSD"
Inyo =		CSD-Net+102#	; Location: "MJH 000",  Owner: "CSD"
Portola =	CSD-Net+103#,
		Test-Net+103# 	; Location: "MJH 030c", Owner: "CSD"
Mono =		CSD-Net+104#	; Location: "MJH 000",  Owner: "CSD"
Diego =		CSD-Net+105#	; Location: "MJH 225",  Owner: "CSD"
Palo-Alto =	CSD-Net+106#	; Location: "MJH 000",  Owner: "CSD"
Yosemite =	CSL-Net+107#	; Location: "ERL 401",  Owner: "CSD"
Marin =		CSD-Net+110#	; Location: "MJH 000",  Owner: "CSD"
Monterey =	CSD-Net+111#	; Location: "MJH 450",  Owner: "CSD"
; No longer on our NET (though it's still our Alto)
; Madera =	CSD-Net+112#	; Location: "SUMEX", 	Owner: "CSD"
Trinity =	CSL-Net+113#	; Location: "ERL 401", 	Owner: "CSD"
Toro =		CSD-Net+114#	; Location: "MJH 000",  Owner: "CSD"
Napa =		CSL-Net+115#	; Location: "CIS Tra.", Owner: "CSD"
Almanor =	CSD-Net+116#	; Location: "MJH 450",  Owner: "CSD"
Palomar =	CSD-Net+117#	; Location: "MJH 000",  Owner: "CSD"
SUMEX-Alto =	SUMEX-Net+112#	; Location: "S-101 Med Center", Owner:"CSD"

; ** Dolphins **
Pacifica =      Raven-Net+262#		; Location: "Whelan Bldg",
					  Owner: "HPP"
SUMEX-1100-1 =  Raven-Net+310#		; Location: "Whelan A1105",
					  Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1100-2 =  Raven-Net+263#,
		HPP-Net+032#		; Location: "Whelan A1105",
					  Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1100-3 =  SUMEX-Net+201#		; Location: "TB-111 Med Center",
					  Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1100-4 =  SUMEX-Net+264#		; Location: "TB-113 Med Center",
					  Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1100-5 =  Raven-Net+265#,
		HPP-Net+035#		; Location: "Whelan A1105",
					  Owner: "SUMEX"

; ** Dandelions **
CSLI-Bob =	 SUMEX-10MB-Net+010#	; Location: "TB-105", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Ray =	 SUMEX-10MB-Net+011#	; Location: "TB-117", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Bacon =	 CSLI-Net+101#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.37532#0"
CSLI-Pascal =	 CSLI-Net+103#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.04625#0"
CSLI-Descartes = CSLI-Net+104#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.32064#0"
CSLI-Hegel =	 CSLI-Net+105#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.01371#0"
CSLI-Marx =	 CSLI-Net+106#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Newton =	 CSLI-Net+107#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Leibnitz =	 CSLI-Net+110#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Heidegger = CSLI-Net+111#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Hume =	 CSLI-Net+112#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Scotus =	 CSLI-Net+113#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Plato =	 CSLI-Net+114#		; Location: "Ventura", Owner: "CSLI"
CSLI-Post =	 CSLI-Net+115#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47121#0"
CSLI-Einstein =	 CSLI-Net+116#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.45450#0"
CSLI-Hardy =	 CSLI-Net+117#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50451#0"
CSLI-Shannon =	 CSLI-Net+120#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47534#0"
CSLI-Wiener =	 CSLI-Net+121#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47462#0"
CSLI-Gauss =	 CSLI-Net+122#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47423#0"
CSLI-Euler =	 CSLI-Net+123#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.54663#0"
CSLI-Fermat =	 CSLI-Net+124#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47324#0"
CSLI-Aristotle = CSLI-Net+125#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50446#0"
CSLI-Occam =	 CSLI-Net+126#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50322#0"
CSLI-Euclid =	 CSLI-Net+127#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.44527#0"
CSLI-Goedel =	 CSLI-Net+130#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47153#0"
CSLI-Voltaire =	 CSLI-Net+131#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.36761#0"
CSLI-VonNeumann = CSLI-Net+132#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.55015#0"
CSLI-Boaz =	 CSLI-Net+133#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50630#0"
CSLI-Babbage =	 CSLI-Net+134#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.40770#0"
CSLI-Boole =	 CSLI-Net+135#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.44234#0"
CSLI-Dodgson =	 CSLI-Net+136#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.43260#0"
CSLI-Zipf =	 CSLI-Net+137#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50177#0"
CSLI-Lobachevski = CSLI-Net+140#	; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.21705#0"
CSLI-Ada =	 CSLI-Net+141#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.33154#0"
CSLI-Wittgenstein = CSLI-Net+142#	; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.37617#0"
CSLI-Moore	= CSLI-Net+143#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.45667#0"
CSLI-Helmholtz	= CSLI-Net+145#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.46037#0"
CSLI-Jespersen	= CSLI-Net+146#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.24064#0"
CSLI-Bopp	= CSLI-Net+147#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.20762#0"
CSLI-Greenberg	= CSLI-Net+150#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.34202#0"
CSLI-Benveniste	= CSLI-Net+151#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.45774#0"
CSLI-Troubetzkoy = CSLI-Net+153#	 ;Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.53777#0"
CSLI-Firth	= CSLI-Net+155#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.53310#0"
CSLI-Mill	= CSLI-Net+161#		; Location: "Ventura Trailers",
					  Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.02617#0"
SUMEX-1108-1 =	 SUMEX-10MB-Net+012#	; Location: "TB-105", Owner: "SUMEX"
Oncocin-1108-2 = SUMEX-10MB-Net+013#	; Location: "TC-117", Owner: "Oncocin"
HPP-1108-3 =     HPP-Net+040#		; Location: "Whelan A1105",
					  Owner: "HPP"
HPP-1108-4 =     HPP-Net+041#		; Location: "Whelan A1105",
					  Owner: "HPP"
SUMEX-1108-5 =   HPP-Net+042#           ; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "SUMEX"
Oncocin-1108-6 = SUMEX-10MB-Net+014#    ; Location: "TC-117", Owner: "Oncocin"
SUMEX-1108-7 =   SUMEX-10MB-Net+015#    ; Location: "TC-117", Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1108-8 =   HPP-Net+043#           ; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1108-9 =   SUMEX-10MB-Net+016#    ; Location: "TB-105", Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1108-10 =  SUMEX-10MB-Net+017#    ; Location: "TB-105", Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1108-11 =  MJH-10MB-Net+046#      ; Location: "MJH 450", Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1108-12 =  HPP-Net+044#           ; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "SUMEX"
SUMEX-1108-13 =  MJH-10MB-Net+047#      ; Location: "MJH 450", Owner: "SUMEX"
CSLI-Kierkegaard = MJH-10MB-Net+41#	; Location: "MJH 241",
					  Owner: "Winograd",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.47510#0"
CSLI-Ptolemy = MJH-10MB-Net+42#		; Location: "MJH 241",
					  Owner: "Winograd",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50174#0"
CSLI-Pythagoras = MJH-10MB-Net+43#	; Location: "MJH 236 (Winograd)",
					  Owner: "Winograd",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.43647#0"

CSLI-Toot 	= MJH-10MB-Net+52#	; Location: "MJH ???", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.53557#0"
CSLI-Whistle 	= MJH-10MB-Net+53#	; Location: "MJH ???", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.54005#0"
CSLI-Plunk 	= MJH-10MB-Net+54#	; Location: "MJH ???", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.32532#0"
CSLI-Boom 	= MJH-10MB-Net+55#	; Location: "MJH ???", Owner: "CSLI",
					  NSADDRESS: "0#0.125000.50157#0"

; ** Dorados **
HPP-Dorado =     Raven-Net+060#		; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "HPP"

; ** Multiple Net Hosts **

; ** PDP-11 Gateway **
Pine-A-Gateway, Pine, SUMEX-MJH-Gateway, MJH-SUMEX-Gateway =
	SUMEX-Net+111#, Pine-Trunk+77#	; Location: "135-D Pine Hall",
					  Owner: "SUMEX", Function: "Gateway"

; ** SUN Gateways **
Pine-B-Gateway =
	Pine-Trunk+141#, CSLI-3MB-Net+142#,
	CSLI-Net+1#, Robotics-Net+1#	; Location: "135-D Pine Hall",
					  Owner: "CSD", Function: "Gateway"

CSDCF-Test-Gateway, Test-Gateway, SUN-Gateway, Test-Bridge =
	CSD-Net+13#, Test-Net+3#,
	MJH-10MB-Net+20#		; Location: "MJH 030b",
					  Owner: "CSD (Almquist)",
					  Function: "Bridge or Gateway"

Dover-Gateway, Tahoe-Gateway =
	CSD-Net+201#, Dover-Net+202#	; Location: "MJH 221",
					  Owner: "CSD",
					  Function: "Gateway + Dover control"

MJH-B-Gateway, Sequoia =
	CSD-Net+40#, Pine-Trunk+41#, CSL-Net+52#
					; Location: "MJH 020", Owner: "CSD",
					  Function: "Gateway"
Terman-Gateway =
	CSL-Net+42#, LOTS-Net+43#,
	Terman-Net+1#, Mitchell-Net+1#	; Location: "Terman"

Green-Gateway =
	GSB-Trunk+130#, Meyer-Net+4#	; Location: "Green Library",
					  Owner: "CSD", Function: "Gateway"

MJH-A-Gateway =
	CSD-Net+136#, GSB-Trunk+137#,
	MJH-10MB-Net+4#			; Location: "MJH 020",
					  Owner: "CSD", Function: "Gateway"

ERL-Gateway =
	CSL-3MB-Net+123#, CSL-10MB-Net+10#
					; Location: "ERL 259",
					  Owner: "CSL", Function: "Gateway"

Durand-A-Gateway =
	CSL-Net+154#, CSL-10MB-Net+11#,
	Petrol-Net+1#			; Location: "Durand 054",
					  Owner: "CSD", Function: "Gateway"

Durand-B-Gateway =
	CSL-Net+155#, ICL-Net+100#	; Location: "Durand 054",
					  Owner: "CSD", Function: "Gateway"

ERL-Bridge =
	CSL-3MB-Net+121#, CSL-Net+122#	; Function: "Bridge",
					  Location: "ERL 259", Owner: "CSL"

CroMem-Bridge =
	LOTS-Net+42#, CroMem-Net+41#	; Function: "Bridge",
					  Location: "CERAS ???"

ME-Bridge =
	LOTS-Net+40#, Tresidder-Net+37#	; Function: "Bridge",
					  Location: "???"

CIS-Gateway =
	CSL-Net+120#, CIS-Net+117#,
	CIS-10MB-Net+1			; Function: "Gateway",
					  Location: "CIS Building"

; *** SUMEX Sun Gateways ***
S101-Gateway =
	SUMEX-Net+31#, SUMEX-Twisted-Net+32#,
	SUMEX-10MB-Net+40#		; Location: "S101 Medical Center",
					  Function: "Gateway", Owner: "SUMEX"

Welch-Road-Gateway, WelchRoad-Gateway =
	SUMEX-Twisted-Net+33#, HPP-Net+34#,
	Raven-Net+1#		        ; Location: "Welch Road",
					  Function: "Gateway", Owner: "HPP"

; ** EtherTips **
Tip-CISa, Tip-CIS =
		CSL-Net+4#		; Location: "CIS Annex"
Tip-CISb =	CIS-Net+100#		; Location: "CIS Machine Room"
Tip-CISc =	CIS-Net+101#		; Location: "CIS Machine Room"
Tip-CISd =	CIS-Net+102#		; Location: "CIS Machine Room"
Tip-CISe =	CIS-Net+103#		; Location: "CIS Machine Room"
Tip-MJHa =	CSD-Net+12#		; Location: "MJH 020"
Tip-MJHb =  	CSD-Net+51# 	    	; Location: "MJH 020"
Tip-TermanA = 	LOTS-Net+53# 	    	; Location: "Terman"
; not a multi-homed host
; But intended to be moved "soon" - WIN
;		Terman-Net+53# 	    	; Location: "Terman"
Tip-CerasA = 	LOTS-Net+51#		; Location: "CERAS ???"
Tip-CerasB =	LOTS-Net+50#		; Location: "CERAS ???"
Tip-CerasC =	LOTS-Net+47#		; Location: "CERAS ???"
Tip-CerasD =	LOTS-Net+46#		; Location: "CERAS ???"
Tip-TermanD =	LOTS-Net+52#		; Location: "Terman"
Tip-TermanB = 	LOTS-Net+54# 	    	; Location: "Terman"
Tip-TermanC =   LOTS-Net+55# 	    	; Location: "Terman"
Tip-Strike =	Tresidder-Net+56#	; Location: "Bowling Alley",
					  Owner: "LOTS"
Tip-Spare =	Tresidder-Net+57#	; Location: "Bowling Alley",
					  Owner: "LOTS"
Tioga, HNV-EtherTip =
		CSD-Net+120#		; Location: "MJH 433"
Tip-Test =	Pine-Trunk+30#,
		CSD-Net+30#		; Location: "MJH 040e"
Tip-ACIS-Test =	CSLI-3MB-Net+10#	; Location: "ACIS Networking"
Tip-MJ030a =	CSD-Net+157#		; Location: "MJH 030a (Lindener)"
Tip-ERL-Switcher =
		CSL-3MB-Net+14#		; Location: "Shasta Room"
Tip-McCulloughA =
		CSL-Net+16#		; Location: "McCullough mail room"
Tip-McCulloughB =
		CSL-Net+150#		; Location: "McCullough mail room"
Tip-EE-Test =	CSL-Net+160#		; Location: "McCullough 176",
					  Owner: "Levy"
Tip-EECF =	CSL-Net+15#		; Location: "McCullough 174",
					  Owner: "EE/CF"
Tip-ITS =	CSLI-3MB-Net+54#	; Location: "Forsythe"
Tip-Forsythe =	CSLI-3MB-Net+55#	; Location: "Forsythe"
ITS, SU-ITS =	Tip-Forsythe+3000	; Location: "Forsythe",
					  Really: "Tip-Forsythe",
					  Function: "Hack - telnet to 3081"
Tip-GinztonA =	CSL-Net+55#		; Location: "Ginzton Lab"
Tip-GinztonB =	CSL-Net+156#		; Location: "Ginzton Lab"
Tip-S101 =	SUMEX-Net+35#		; Location: "S101 Medical Center"
Tip-GSBa =	GSB-Net+73#		; Location: "GSB Rm B5-E"
Tip-GSBb =	GSB-Net+132#		; Location: "GSB Rm B5-E"
Tip-GSBc =	GSB-Net+153#		; Location: "GSB Rm B5-E"
Tip-GSBd =	GSB-Net+154#		; Location: "GSB Rm B5-E"
Tip-GSBe =	GSB-Net+155#		; Location: "GSB Rm B5-E"
Tip-GSBf =	GSB-Net+156#		; Location: "GSB Rm B5-E"
Tip-AEL =	CSL-Net+124#		; Location: "AEL 229"
Tip-ERL-CIS =	CSL-3MB-Net+36#		; Location: "Shasta Room"
Tip-MJHc =	CSD-Net+125#		; Location: "MJH 020"
Tip-MJHd =	CSD-Net+155#		; Location: "MJH 020"
Tip-Meyer =	Meyer-Net+5#		; Location: "Meyer Library"
Tip-HPPa, Tenaya =	HPP-Net+30#	; Location: "Welch Road"
Tip-HPPb, Squiem =	HPP-Net+31#	; Location: "Welch Road"
Tip-Pine =	CSLI-3MB-Net+140#	; Location: "Pine Hall"		
Tip-Cedar =	CSLI-3MB-Net+144#	; Location: "Cedar Hall"
Tip-CroMemA =	CroMem-Net+61#		; Location: "Crothers Memorial"
Tip-CroMemB =	CroMem-Net+62#		; Location: "Crothers Memorial"
Tip-Ventura =	CSLI-Net+7#,
		CSLI-3MB-Net+7#		; Location: "Ventura",
					  EtherAddr: "02608C-016406"

; ** ARPANET Gateway **
Stanford-Gateway, Golden, SU-Golden, Golden-Gate =
	MJH-10MB-Net+1#		; Location: "MJH 020",
  				  Op-Sys: "MOS", CPU: "LSI-11/23",
				  Function: "IP/PUP Gateway"

; ** Server Hosts **
Lassen, IFS =	CSL-Net+200#	; Location: "MJH 433",  Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP",
				  Services: "File-Server"
Tahoe, Dover =	Dover-Net+201#	; Location: "MJH 221",  Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP",
				  Services: "Graphics-Printer"
Boise, HP-Printer =
		CSD-Net+1#	; Location: "MJH 433", Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Services: "Printer"

SUN-Vision =	CSLI-3MB-Net+74#
				; Location: "Cedar Hall A9", Owner: "CSD",
				  Services: "Scanner"

Eureka =	CSD-Net+202#,
	MJH-10MB-Net+25# 	; Location: "MJH 433",  Owner: "DSG",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "V",
				  Services: "File-Server",
  				  EtherAddr: "0800.1400.0299"

Raven =		Raven-Net+2#	; Location: "Welch Road", Owner: "HPP",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP",
				  Services: "Printer"

Clover =        SUMEX-10MB-Net+2#
				; Location: "Med Center, TB 105",
				  Owner: "SUMEX",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Services: "Printer"

Vulture =       HPP-Net+2#      ; Location: "Whelan Building C",
				  Owner: "HPP",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Services: "Printer",
				  EtherAddr: "1140.106002.23507"

Vireo =         HPP-Net+3#
				; Location: "Med Center, TC 101",
				  Owner: "HPP",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Services: "Printer"

TeX-Luis =	MJH-10MB-Net+50#
				; Location: "MJH 343", Owner: "TeX",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Services: "Printer"

; **Time-sharing machines:
Shasta, SU-Shasta =
		CSL-3MB-Net+300# ; Location: "ERL 257",  Owner: "CSL",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
diablo, HNV, SU-AIMvax, AIMvax =
	SUMEX-Net+301#		; Location: "Pine Hall 135",  Owner: "SUMEX",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
		CSD-Net+302#	; Location: "MJH 020",  Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "WAITS", CPU: "DEC-1080",
;old list			  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET,TCP/FTP,TCP/SMTP"

Score, SU-SCORE =
		MJH-10MB-Net+56#; Location: "MJH 020",  Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060"
		SUMEX-Net+127#	; Location: "S-101 Med Center",
				  Owner: "SUMEX", Function: "Server",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP+TYMNET",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060"
SUMEX-2020,AIM-2020,Tiny =
		SUMEX-Net+124#	; Location: "S-101 Med Center",
				  Owner: "SUMEX", Function: "Server",
				  Networks: "PUP", Op-Sys: "TOPS20",
				  CPU: "DEC-2020"

Ubehebe, AL =
	CSLI-3MB-Net+304#	; Location: "Pine Hall",  Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Robotics Manipulation"
Helens, SU-Helens =
		NewMath-Net+5#	; Location: "ERL", Owner: "EE",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
		CSL-Net+310#	; Location: "Durand 017A", Owner: "Morf",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
ISL, SU-ISL, Tamalpais, Tam, ISL-VAX =
		CSL-Net+311#	; Location: "Durand 017A", Owner: "Gill",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780"

Psych, SU-Psych, Psych-Vax, SU-Tahoma, Tahoma =
		CSD-Net+312#	; Location: "Jordan 033", Owner: "Psych",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780"
Navajo, SU-Navajo, NA-VAX =
		CSD-Net+313#	; Location: "MJH 020", Owner: "CSD N/A",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Whitney, SU-Whitney =
				; Location: "Pine Hall", Owner: "Binford",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Glacier, SU-Glacier, FTAL, FTAL-Vax  =
		CSL-Net+315#	; Location: "McCullough 032", Owner: "ICL",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Glacier10 =	ICL-Net+2#	; Really: "Glacier"

Cascade, SU-Cascade  =
		CSL-Net+330#	; Location: "McCullough 032", Owner: "ICL",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Cascade10 =	ICL-Net+1#	; Really: "Cascade"

Fuji, SU-Fuji =
		CSL-Net+316#	; Location: "AEL 11", Owner: "ICL",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
CSL-Vax, SU-CSL-Vax  =
		CSL-10MB-Net+1#	; Location: "ERL 317", Owner: "CSL",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

ADA, SU-ADA = CSL-10MB-Net+14#	; Location: "ERL 317A", Owner: "Luckham",
				  CPU: "DG MV/10000", Networks: "IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

Umunhum, SU-Umunhum =
		CSL-10MB-Net+17#; Location: "ERL 317", Owner: "Mike Flynn",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

; *** NOT Running PUP ***
;      CSL-10MB-Net+5#, CSL-Net+317#
;				; Location: "Durand 061", 
;				  Owner: "Radio Science",
;				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
;				  Op-Sys: "VMS", CPU: "VAX-11/782",
;				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

; *** NOT Running PUP ***
	CSL-10MB-Net+2#	        ; Location: "Durand 2n", 
				  Owner: "Radio Science",
				  Function: "MCSA Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Op-Sys: "VMS", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

; *** NOT Running PUP ***
Corona, SU-Corona =
	CSL-10MB-Net+6#	        ; Location: "ERL 317A", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  Owner: "Center for Space Science...(CSSA)",
				  Op-Sys: "VMS", Networks: "IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

	CSL-10MB-Net+12#	; Location: "ERL 255", Owner: "Star Lab",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
DrWho, SU-DrWho =
	CSL-10MB-Net+13#	; Location: "Durand 061", Owner: "Star Lab",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix and VMS", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Solar, SU-Solar =
		CSL-10MB-Net+7#	; Location: "ERL 329",
				  Owner: "Stanford Solar Observatory",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Ardvax, SU-Ardvax =
		HPP-Net+1#	; Location: "Welch Road", Owner: "Arpa",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
		SUMEX-10MB-Net+1#; Location: "S-101 Med Ctr", Owner: "Arpa",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Reyes, SU-Reyes =
		SUMEX-10MB-Net+5#; Location: "S-038 Medical Center",
				  Owner: "Radiology",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Ahwahnee, Awanee, Ahwanee =
		CSLI-Net+320#	; Location: "Forsythe", Owner: "ITS",
				  Function: "User", Networks: "IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750"

		GSB-Net+321#	; Location: "GSB B5-E", Owner: "Bus. School",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

		GSB-Net+322#	; Location: "GSB B5-E", Owner: "Bus. School",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Anaheim, SU-Anaheim =
		GSB-Net+323#	; Location: "GSB B5-E", Owner: "Bus. School",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Pisgah, ARM =
				; Location: "Pine Hall", Owner: "Robotics",
				  Function: "Robot Arms"

Carmel, SU-Carmel =
		CSD-Net+324#	; Location: "MJH basement", Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Kernel Development",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Carmel10 =
		MJH-10MB-Net+11#	; Really: "Carmel"

Coyote, SU-Coyote =
				; Location: "Pine Hall", Owner: "Binford",
				  Function: "Robotics Research",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Sierra, SU-Sierra, SU-EE, EE =
	CSL-Net+325#, CSL-10MB-Net+15#
				; Location: "Durand 055", Owner: "EE",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

				; Location: "Pine Hall", Owner: "IMSSS",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP",
				  Op-Sys: "Tenex", CPU: "DEC KI-10"

; *** NOT Running PUP ***
;		CCRMA-Net+300#	; Location: "DC Power Lab", Owner: "CCRMA",
;				  Function: "User", Networks: "PUP",
;				  Op-Sys: "WAITS"

Hyperion, SU-Hyperion =
	LOTS-10MB-Net+12#	 ; Location: "Ceras",  Owner: "SUNDEC",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

		LOTS-10MB-Net+13# ; Location: "Ceras",  Owner: "LOTS",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

		LOTS-10MB-Net+14# ; Location: "Ceras",  Owner: "LOTS",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

		LOTS-10MB-Net+15# ; Location: "Ceras",  Owner: "LOTS",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

CSLI, SU-CSLI, SU-Turing, Turing =
	CSLI-3MB-Net+135#	; Location: "Pine Hall",  Owner: "CSLI",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "TOPS20", CPU: "DEC-2060"

Camelot, SU-Camelot =
	LOTS-10MB-Net+10#	; Location: "Ceras", Owner: "LOTS",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Lancelot, SU-Lancelot =
	LOTS-10MB-Net+11#	; Location: "Ceras", Owner: "LOTS",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Pescadero, SU-Pescadero =
	CSD-Net+145#		; Location: "MJ020", Owner: "DSG",
				  Function: "Distributed Systems Research",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Random, SU-Random =
	MJH-10MB-Net+12#	; Location: "Limbo",
				  Function: "Bootstrapping 4.2",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix",
				  CPU: "VAX-11"

Gregorio, SU-Gregorio =
	CSD-Net+146#		; Location: "MJ433", Owner: "DSG",
				  Function: "Distributed Systems Research",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
Amador, SU-Amador =
		CSL-10MB-Net+3#	; Location: "ERL 257", Owner: "CSL",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "Pyramid 91X",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Leland, SU-Leland =
	Teaching-Lab-Net+1#	; Location: "ERL 114", Owner: "DSG",
				  Function: "OS Teaching Lab",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"
; ** Note: **
; Other host addresses on this network are now SUNs, but will be
; DEC workstations "Real Soon Now".

Krakatoa, SU-Krakatoa =
		CSL-Net+135#	; Location: "Durand 061 (Star Room)",
				  Owner: "Aero/Astro (L. Hesselink)",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Mojave, SU-Mojave, Mohave =	CSL-10MB-Net+16#
				; Location: "Durand 055", Owner: "Satz",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

CSLI-Whitehead, Whitehead =	CSLI-Net+10#
				; Location: "Pine Hall", Owner: "CSLI",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750"

CSLI-Russell, Russell =		CSLI-Net+11#
				; Location: "Pine Hall", Owner: "CSLI",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750"

Playfair, SU-Playfair =
	Sequoia-Net+253#	; Location: "Sequoia 112",
				  Owner: "Statistics", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750"

Argus, Argos, SU-Argus =	CSLI-Net+12#
				; Location: "Pine Hall Machine Room",
				  Owner: "ACIS Networking",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP", Op-Sys: "UNIX",
				  CPU: "VAX-11/750", Function: "Server",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Lindy, SU-Lindy =		CSLI-Net+13#
				; Location: "Forsythe", Owner: "ITS",
				  Function: "Gateway", Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750"

Forsythe, SU-Forsythe =		CSLI-Net+14#
				; Location: "Forsythe", Owner: "ITS",
				  Function: "Server", Networks: "IP",
				  Op-Sys: "MVS", CPU: "IBM-3081"

Mazama, SU-Mazama =		Mitchell-Net+10#
				; Location: "Mitchell 467",
				  Owner: "Earth Sciences (Stu Levin)",
				  Op-Sys: "UNIX", CPU: "VAX-11/780",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Erebus, SU-Erebus =		Mitchell-Net+11#
				; Location: "Mitchell 453A",
				  Owner: "Earth Sciences (Glenn Kroeger)",
				  Op-Sys: "UNIX", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

Denali, SU-Denali =		Mitchell-Net+12#
				; Location: "Mitchell A69",
				  Owner: "Earth Sciences (Glenn Kroeger)",
				  Op-Sys: "UNIX", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

LaBrea, SU-LaBrea =
		CSD-Net+161#	; Location: "MJH basement", Owner: "CSD",
				  Function: "Fileserver",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP",
				  Op-Sys: "Unix", CPU: "VAX-11/750",
				  IP-Protocols: "UDP, TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP, TCP/SMTP"

; Misc. workstations 
HP9836 =	CSL-Net+60#	; Location: "AEL 231"

; SUN Workstations
SUN-MJ416 =	CSD-Net+2#	; Location: "Student Jungle"
SUN-MJ428 =	CSD-Net+3#	; Location: "Pratt"
SUN-ERL414 =	CSL-3MB-Net+5#	; Location: "Jouppi, Sarkar"
SUN-MJ460 =	CSD-Net+7#	; Location: "CSD Peons"
SUN-MJ330 =	CSD-Net+10#	; Location: "CSD Random Faculty"
SUN-MJ422   =	CSD-Net+11#,
		MJH-10MB-Net+21#	; Location: "DSG Programmer",
					  EtherAddr: "0800.1400.0304"
Castro, SU-Castro, SUNny-Castro  =
		CSL-3MB-Net+17#	; Location: "Hartwell/ERL 413"
SUN-MJ342   =	CSD-Net+20#	; Location: "Trabb Pardo"
SUN-ERL259b =	CSL-3MB-Net+21#	; Location: "ERL 259 Hardware Lab"
SUN-CISa    =	CSL-Net+22#	; Location: "CIS Terminal Room"
SUN-ERL409a =	CSL-3MB-Net+23#	; Location: "ERL Terminal Room"
SUN-ERL408a =	CSL-3MB-Net+24#	; Location: "Trewitt et al"
SUN-ERL409c =	CSL-3MB-Net+25#	; Location: "ERL Terminal Room"
SUN-CISb    =	CSL-Net+26#	; Location: "CIS Terminal Room"
SUN-ERL259a =	CSL-3MB-Net+27#	; Location: "Hardware Lab"
SUN-ERL419 = 	CSL-Net+31#	; Location: "Wing, Agarwal"
Sacramento, Fred =	
		MJH-10MB-Net+23#	; Location: "MJ433",
					  EtherAddr: "0800.1400.0311"
SUN-MJ416a  =	CSD-Net+33#,
		MJH-10MB-Net+24#	; Location: "Nowicki, etc.",
					  EtherAddr: ""
SUN-MJ402   =	CSD-Net+34#,
		MJH-10MB-Net+22#	; Location: "Mann, etc.",
					  EtherAddr: "0800.1400.0302"
SUN-MJ424   =	CSD-Net+35#		; Location: "Cheriton"
Sun-MJ416e    =	MJH-10MB-Net+37#
				; Location: "MJH 416B",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.9690, 0800.2001.086e"

Sun-MJ416c   =	MJH-10MB-Net+40#
				; Location: "Finlayson et al",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.9471, 0800.2001.0881"
Cicero     =	MJH-10MB-Net+16#,		
		CSD-Net+37#	; Location: "MJH 343",
				  Owner: "TeX", Op-Sys: "Unix",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.1477"
SUN-ERL409d =	CSL-3MB-Net+44#	; Location: "ERL Terminal Room"
SUN-ERL409e =	CSL-3MB-Net+45#	; Location: "ERL Terminal Room"
SUN-MJ450   =	CSD-Net+46#	; Location: "Student Bull-pen"
SUN-ERL409f =	CSL-3MB-Net+47#	; Location: "ERL Terminal Room"
SUN-Cedar-A9 =	CSLI-3MB-Net+50#
				; Location: "Cedar Hall A9"
SUN-ERL411a  =	CSL-3MB-Net+56#	; Location: "Przybylski"
SUN-ERL411b =	CSL-3MB-Net+57#	; Location: "Rowen"
SUN-ERL411  =	CSL-3MB-Net+61#	; Location: "Hannah/Gross"
SUN-ERL444a =	CSL-3MB-Net+62#	; Location: "Linton"
SUN-ERL408b =	CSL-3MB-Net+63#	; Location: "Trewitt et al"
SUN-ERL445  =	CSL-3MB-Net+64#	; Location: "?"
SUN-ERL456b =	CSL-3MB-Net+65#	; Location: "Hennessy"
SUN-ERL409b =	CSL-3MB-Net+66#	; Location: "ERL Terminal Room"
SUN-ERL406   =	CSL-3MB-Net+67#	; Location: "Gross x9319"
SUN-ERL415a =	CSL-10MB-Net+100#
				; Location: "ERL 415",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.6147, 0800.2001.0899"
SUN-CF-Lab  = 	Pine-Trunk+70#,
		CSD-Net+70#	; Location: "MJH CSD-CF Lab MJH 020a"
SUN-Test    = 	Pine-Trunk+71#,
		CSD-Net+71#	; Location: "MJH 040d"
SUN-Terman565 =	CSL-Net+72#	; Location: "Bernie Roth - ME"
; not a multi-homed host
;		Terman-Net+72#	; Location: "Bernie Roth - ME"
SUN-SETI =	CSL-10MB-Net+101#
				; Location: "Durand 224",
				  Owner: "Ivan Linscott/Cal Teague",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.7767"
Mordor, SU-Mordor =
		Lots-Net+131#	; Location: "Ceras 125", Networks: "PUP"
Eriador =	Lots-Net+133#
				; Location: "Ceras 125"
SUN-PRadio =	CSL-3MB-Net+151#
				; Location: "ERL 259 Hardware Lab"
SUN-BitMap =	CSL-3MB-Net+152#
				; Location: "ERL 259 Hardware Lab"

; Yin and Yang are the same machine (a Sun) but have different addresses,
; depending on whether Sun-Gateway is a gateway or a bridge.  Same goes
; for Yoni and Lingam.
Yin	=	Test-Net+216#	; Location: "MJH 030c", Owner: "CSD",
				  Sometimes: "Yang"
Yang	=	CSD-Net+216#	; Location: "MJH 030c", Owner: "CSD",
				  Sometimes: "Yin"
Yoni	=	Test-Net+370#	; Location: "MJH 030c", Owner: "CSD",
				  Sometimes: "Lingam"
Lingam	=	CSD-Net+370#	; Location: "MJH 030c", Owner: "CSD",
				  Sometimes: "Yoni"
SUN-MJ402a   =	MJH-10MB-Net+3#	; Location: "Mann, etc.",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.0297"
SUN-MJ424a   =	MJH-10MB-Net+5#	; Location: "Cheriton",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.5974"
SUN-MJ416b   =	MJH-10MB-Net+6#	; Location: "Student Jungle",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.5953"
Iris-MJ426   =	MJH-10MB-Net+7#	; Location: "DS Jungle",
				  EtherAddr: "0800.1400.0354"
SUN-MJ320    =  MJH-10MB-Net+15#; Location: "MJH 320",
				  Owner: "NA", Op-Sys: "Unix"
SUN-MJ426a   =  MJH-10MB-Net+17#; Location: "MJH 426",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.0292"
SUN-MJ430    =	MJH-10MB-Net+26#; Location: "Lantz",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.9943"
SUN-MJ421    =	MJH-10MB-Net+27#; Location: "MJH 421",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.8238"
SUN-MJ421a   =	MJH-10MB-Net+30#; Location: "MJH 421",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.7676"
SUN-MJ421b   =	MJH-10MB-Net+31#; Location: "MJH 421",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.1422, 0800.2001.06b2"
SUN-MJ421c   =	MJH-10MB-Net+36#; Location: "MJH 421",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.9712, 0800.2001.0875"
SUN-MJ421d   =	MJH-10MB-Net+44#; Location: "MJH 421",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.9586, 0800.2001.0880"
SUN-MJ416d   =	DSG-Net+45#	; Location: "MJH 416B",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.9676, 0800.2001.0977"
Hood	     =  DSG-Net+51#	; Location: "MJH 433",
				  Function: "DSG File server",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c02.5653, 0800.2001.0d8a"
SUN-Cedar-B10 = Robotics-Net+200#
				; Location: "Rod Brooks", Owner: "Robotics"
SUN-Cedar-B12 = Robotics-Net+201#
				; Location: "Sathya", Owner: "Robotics"
SUN-Cedar-B17 = Robotics-Net+202#
				; Location: "Cedar B17", Owner: "Robotics",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.096f"
SUN-Cedar-B4 = Robotics-Net+203#
				; Location: "Cedar B4", Owner: "Robotics",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.085b"
SUN-Cedar-B7 = Robotics-Net+204#
				; Location: "Cedar B7", Owner: "Robotics",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.0964"
SUN-Cedar-B6 = Robotics-Net+205#
				; Location: "Cedar B6", Owner: "Robotics",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.0ab1"
SUN-Cedar-B15 = Robotics-Net+206#
				; Location: "Cedar B15", Owner: "Robotics",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.0994"
TexServer = Robotics-Net+300#	; Location: "Cedar",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.8156, 0800.2001.0510"
Diamond = Robotics-Net+301#	; Location: "Cedar",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.8065"
Pica = Teaching-Lab-Net+302#	; Location: "ERL 114",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.8211"
Brevier = Teaching-Lab-Net+303#	; Location: "ERL 114",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.1455"
Mignon = Robotics-Net+304#	; Location: "Cedar",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c01.0181"
Paragon, SU-Paragon =
	Robotics-Net+305#	; Location: "Cedar",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.1416"
Didot = Robotics-Net+306#	; Location: "Cedar",
				  EtherAddr: "0260.8c00.8208"
Nonpareil = Robotics-Net+307#	; Location: "Cedar",
				  EtherAddr: "0800.2001.087f"

Athos = CIS-10MB-Net+40#	; Location: "CIS ???",
				  EtherAddr: "8:0:20:1:13:6e"
Porthos = CIS-10MB-Net+41#	; Location: "CIS ???",
				  EtherAddr: "8:0:20:1:13:6f"
Aramis = CIS-10MB-Net+42#	; Location: "CIS ???",
				  EtherAddr: "8:0:20:1:13:70"
; SUNs at Lots
SUN-Ceras125 =	LOTS-Net+11#	; Location: "Ceras 125"

; SUNs at the Medical Center
SUN-TB113 =	SUMEX-Net+30#	; Location: "TB-113 Medical Center"
SUN-TB113a =	SUMEX-10MB-Net+3#
				; Location: "TB-113 Medical Center"
SUN-S101 =	SUMEX-Net+33#	; Location: "S-101 Medical Center"
SUN-S007 =	SUMEX-Net+34#	; Location: "S-007 Medical Center"
SUN-TB105 =	SUMEX-Net+36#	; Location: "TB-105 Medical Center"

; ** LispMs **
HPP-3600-1 =	 HPP-Net+011#		; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "HPP"
HPP-3600-2 =	 HPP-Net+012#		; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "HPP"
HPP-3670-3 =	 HPP-Net+013#		; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "HPP"
HPP-3670-4 =	 HPP-Net+014#		; Location: "Whelan", Owner: "HPP"

; ** IBM PC's (hopefully temporary), being tested by Bill Yundt's **
; ** group.  They speak a 3-COM proprietary protocol and may also **
; ** speak IP.							  **

ACIS-PC-1 =	CSLI-Net+300#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-2 =	CSLI-Net+301#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-3 =	CSLI-Net+302#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-4 =	CSLI-Net+303#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-5 =	CSLI-Net+304#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-6 =	CSLI-Net+305#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-7 =	CSLI-Net+306#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-8 =	CSLI-Net+307#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-9 =	CSLI-Net+310#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-10 =	CSLI-Net+311#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-11 =	CSLI-Net+312#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-12 =	CSLI-Net+313#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-13 =	CSLI-Net+314#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-14 =	CSLI-Net+315#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-15 =	CSLI-Net+316#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"
ACIS-PC-16 =	CSLI-Net+317#	; Location: "Pine Hall???", Owner: "ACIS"

Oncocin-PC =	SUMEX-10MB-Net+4#
				; Location: "TC-135", Owner: "Oncocin"

; **Other things**
MEBES =		ICL-Net+3#	; Location: "McC 48",
				  CPU: "DG Eclipse"
ParaTest =	ICL-Net+4#	; Location: "AEL 9",
				  CPU: "LSI-11"
		CSL-10MB-Net+4#	; Location: "ERL 317A", Owner: "CSL",
				  Function: "Hardware Design System",
				  Networks: "IP", Op-Sys: "Unix"
Pro-Star =	CSL-10MB-Net+102#
				; Location: "Durand 204",
				  CPU: "DEC Professional 350",
				  Op-Sys: "RSX", Networks: "DECnet",
				  Owner: "Vic Tolat/Cal Teague",
				  EtherAddr: "aa00.0400.1d04"

Iris-Star =	CSL-10MB-Net+103#
				; Location: "Durand 204",
				  CPU: "IRIS",
				  Owner: "Vic Tolat/Cal Teague"

Rainbow =	CSL-10MB-Net+104#
				; Location: "???",
				  CPU: "IRIS",
				  Owner: "Mark Linton"

Mirage =	CSL-10MB-Net+105#
				; Location: "???",
				  CPU: "IRIS",
				  Owner: "Mark Linton"

Spectrum =	CSL-10MB-Net+106#
				; Location: "???",
				  CPU: "IRIS",
				  Owner: "Mark Linton"

Iguana, SU-Iguana =
				; Location: "MJH ???", Owner: "CSD",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP+CHAOS",
				  CPU: "Symbolics LM-3600"

Mt-St-Coax, SU-Mt-St-Coax =
				; Location: "MJH ???", Owner: "CSD",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP+CHAOS",
				  CPU: "Symbolics LM-3600"

Vision, SU-Vision =
				; Location: "Cedar ???", Owner: "Robotics",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP+CHAOS",
				  CPU: "Symbolics LM-3600"

Jasper, SU-Jasper =
				; Location: "MJH 433", Owner: "DSG",
				  Networks: "IP", Op-Sys: "Unix",
				  CPU: "Ridge-32",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

Andes, SU-Andes =
				; Location: "Sequoia 112",
				  Owner: "Lab. for Computational Statistics",
				  Networks: "IP", Op-Sys: "Unix",
				  CPU: "Ridge-32",
				  IP-Protocols: "TCP/TELNET, TCP/FTP"

Darwin, SU-Darwin =
				; Location: "Sequoia 111",
				  Owner: "Lab. for Computational Statistics",
				  Networks: "XNS", Op-Sys: "Unix",
				  CPU: "IRIS 1400",
				  EtherAddr: "0800.1400.3341"

Beagle, SU-Beagle =
				; Location: "Sequoia 112",
				  Owner: "Lab. for Computational Statistics",
				  Networks: "PUP+IP+CHAOS",
				  CPU: "Symbolics LM-3600",
				  EtherAddr: "0800.0501.0814 (?)"
; **Naming Authorities

SU = IFS+Mail			; Location: "Stanford University"
ArpaGateway =	Diablo+Mail	; Location: "MJH 433",  Owner: "CSD"
Telnet-Gateway =
	SAIL+Arpa-Telnet-Gateway ; Location: "MJH 020", Owner: "CSD"